Large-capacity magazines
National Association for Gun Rights v. Lamont
Defending Connecticut’s restriction on the sale and possession of assault weapons and large-capacity-magazines.
Duncan v. Bonta
Defending California's large-capacity magazines restriction.
Hanson v. District of Columbia
Defending the District of Columbia’s large-capacity magazines restriction.
Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association v. Delaware Department of Safety and Homeland Security
Defending Delaware's restrictions on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Ocean State Tactical v. Rhode Island
Defending Rhode Island’s large-capacity magazines restriction.
Oregon Firearms Federation v. Kotek
Defending Oregon’s restriction on large-capacity magazines and permit-to-purchase requirement.
Barnett v. Raoul
Defending Illinois’s restrictions on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Bevis v. City of Naperville, Illinois
Defending Illinois's law restricting assault weapons and large-capacity magazines and similar local ordinance.
Capen v. Campbell
Defending Massachusetts’s restriction on the sale and possession of assault weapons and large-capacity-magazines.
Goldman v. Highland Park
Defending the City of Highland Park, Illinois’s prohibition on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Vermont v. Misch
Protecting Vermont’s prohibition on large-capacity magazines.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners v. Polis
Representing the City of Boulder in defending Colorado’s prohibition on large-capacity magazines. The City and County of Denver jointly filed this amicus brief with the City of Boulder.
Wilson v. Cook County
Defending Cook County, Illinois’s prohibition on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Wiese v. Becerra
Defending California’s prohibition on large-capacity magazines.
Worman v. Healey
Defending Massachusetts’s prohibition on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs v. Attorney General of New Jersey
Defending New Jersey’s prohibition on large-capacity magazines.
Kolbe v. Hogan
Protecting Maryland’s restrictions on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Colorado Outfitters v. Hickenlooper
Supporting Colorado’s background check requirement and restriction on large-capacity magazines.
Fyock v. Sunnyvale
Supporting Sunnyvale, California’s restriction on possession of large-capacity magazines.