Second Amendment Briefs
May v. Bonta; Carralero v. Bonta (consol.)
Defending California’s sensitive places and private-property restrictions.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners v. Polis
Defending Colorado’s age restriction on the sale of firearms.
Miller v. Bonta
Supporting California’s Assault Weapons Control Act.
Hanson v. District of Columbia
Defending the District of Columbia’s large-capacity magazines restriction.
Wolford v. Lopez
Defending Hawai’i’s sensitive places and private-property restrictions.
Teter v. Lopez
Defending Hawai’i's prohibition on butterfly knives.
Koons v. Platkin
Defending New Jersey’s licensing, private-property, and sensitive places regulations.
Worth v. Jacobson
Supporting Minnesota’s public-carry age restrictions.
Ocean State Tactical v. Rhode Island
Defending Rhode Island’s large-capacity magazines restriction.
Reese v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Defending federal law that prohibits federally-licensed firearms dealers from selling to persons under twenty-one.
Renna v. Bonta
Defending California’s Unsafe Handgun Act.
Oregon Firearms Federation v. Kotek
Defending Oregon’s restriction on large-capacity magazines and permit-to-purchase requirement.
Barnett v. Raoul
Defending Illinois’s restrictions on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines.
Bevis v. City of Naperville, Illinois
Defending Illinois's law restricting assault weapons and large-capacity magazines and similar local ordinance.
Boland v. Bonta
Defending California’s Unsafe Handgun Act.
Spencer v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.
Range v. Attorney General
Defending the federal prohibition on firearm possession by people with felony convictions.
Christian v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Hardaway v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.
Antonyuk v. Nigrelli (Antonyuk II)
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Maryland Shall Issue v. County of Montgomery, Maryland
Defending Montgomery County’s prohibition on carrying firearms in places of “public assembly.”
United States v. Price
Defending the federal prohibition on possessing firearms with obliterated serial numbers.
Frey v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Fraser v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Defending federal law that prohibits licensed firearms dealers from selling handguns to persons under twenty-one.