Law Student Writing Competition
We are pleased to announce the Everytown Law Fund law student writing competition!
This competition asks students to consider how to advance gun violence prevention and gun safety through litigation in the civil and criminal justice systems.
Example topics may include, but are not limited to, reducing gun violence through:
- Representing survivors of gun violence
- Challenging the gun industry’s dangerous business practices
- Lawsuits seeking stronger enforcement of existing gun safety laws
- Defending gun safety laws against constitutional challenges
- Litigating at the intersection of civil rights and gun violence prevention
- Litigating at the intersection of gender justice and gun violence prevention
- Emerging topics in Second Amendment jurisprudence
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be composed of original research and writing by currently enrolled law students1Employees of Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, its affiliated organizations, and immediate family or household members of such employees are not eligible for the Competition. at ABA accredited law schools. Law school notes and academic articles that you have submitted or you are planning to submit to law school reviews and journals for publication are eligible for submission. Note that submissions that have been previously published or accepted for publication are welcome but must be accompanied by written authorization for re-print to be eligible.
Preferred submission length is 5,000 to 15,000 words, including footnotes, but may be as long as a law review note.
Please follow the Bluebook for citations.
Submitting Your Entry
The submission period is now closed. Winners for this year’s writing competition will be announced in August 2024!
Judging Criteria
Submissions will be judged by a variety of factors deemed relevant by Everytown Law, including their contribution to gun violence prevention litigation, use of legal analysis, quality of legal research and writing, creativity, and vision.
Everytown Law may award up to three prizes2Everytown Law may, in its discretion, decide to split prizes, to award additional prizes or to award fewer than three prizes.: a first prize of $2,500 and two runners-up prizes of $1,000. All three top papers may be eligible for publication on Everytown Law’s website or social media. Winning submissions will be announced in August 2024.
Sign up below to receive email updates about the competition. Please direct any further questions to