Domestic Violence
Domestic violence and gun violence are deeply interconnected, impacting millions of women, families, and communities across the US. Guns are more likely to turn abuse fatal.
Gun Violence Prevention, Domestic Violence Groups File Amicus Brief to Overturn Rahimi Decision
Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, a coalition of gun violence prevention and domestic violence prevention groups filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court…
Advocates For Domestic Violence Survivors Urge Missouri Supreme Court To Strike Down Unconstitutional ‘Nullification’ Law
Everytown Law Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Jefferson City, MO – In an amicus brief…

Everytown and Battered Women’s Justice Project Submit Amicus Brief to Minnesota Supreme Court
Smits v. Park Nicollet Health Services, et al.

Everytown Law Represents the Family of Amber Clark in a Lawsuit Seeking Information About Her Death
Clark, et al. v. Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office, et al.
City of Columbus, Ohio, Commissions the Help of Everytown Law in Defending Two Gun Safety Ordinances Prohibiting Bump Stocks and Possession of Firearms By Those With Domestic Violence Convictions
Ohioans for Concealed Carry, et al. v. City of Columbus, Ohio c/o City Attorney Zach M. Klein, et al.
Challenging West Virginia’s “Guns in Parking Lots” Law to Protect Domestic Violence Shelters
The West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. v. Morrisey
Everytown Law Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Domestic Violence Coalition Challenging West Virginia Law Barring Businesses from Prohibiting or Asking about Guns in Their Parking Lots
Lawsuit Alleges Law Violates the Shelters’ Constitutional Rights, Including their First Amendment Right to Free Speech Charleston, WV – The West Virginia Coalition…