Representing Survivors
Everytown Law attorneys represent survivors of gun violence in the U.S. We work closely with people who have been wounded and with the families of those who have been killed. We seek justice and accountability to honor the legacy of victims and survivors.
See All Cases
Lawsuit Filed Against Scheels For Providing Handgun to Teenager, Resulting in Death by Suicide
Van Bogart v. Scheels All Sports, Inc., et al.

Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Survivor Shot in the Eye with Ghost Gun Illegally Sold Online by JSD Supply to Minor
Boyd v. Not An LLC d/b/a JSD Supply, et al.

Louisville Old National Bank Shooting Survivors and Family Members Sue Gun Store
Mitchell, et al. v. River City Firearms, Inc.

Buffalo Tops Friendly Market Shooting Survivors and Family Members Sue Manufacturer of Gun Lock, Gun Store, Manufacturer of Combat-Style Body Armor, Social Media Companies, and Shooter’s Parents
Jones v. Mean LLC, et al.; Stanfield, et al. v. Mean LLC, et al.

Seeking Justice for the Families of Two Virginia High Schoolers Killed by Classmate Using a Polymer80, Inc. Ghost Gun the Shooter Purchased Online
Van Pelt, et al. v. Salvo Technologies, Inc. d/b/a 80P Builder, et al.
Everytown Law Announces Settlement Between Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies and Polymer80
12.5.2023 -
Buffalo Shooting Witnesses File Lawsuit Over Trauma They Endured
8.25.2023 -
Teens Buying Ghost Guns Online, with Deadly Consequences
7.13.2023 -
Two Children, a Burst of Gunfire and the Year That Came After