Sensitive Places
Kipke v. Moore
Defending Maryland’s sensitive places and private-property restrictions.
United States v. Allam
Defending the federal Gun Free School Zones Act.
May v. Bonta; Carralero v. Bonta (consol.)
Defending California’s sensitive places and private-property restrictions.
Wolford v. Lopez
Defending Hawai’i’s sensitive places and private-property restrictions.
Maryland Shall Issue v. County of Montgomery, Maryland
Defending Montgomery County’s prohibition on carrying firearms in places of “public assembly.”
Frey v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s firearms licensing and sensitive-places laws.
Koons v. Platkin
Defending New Jersey’s licensing, private-property, and sensitive places regulations.
Spencer v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.
Christian v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Hardaway v. Nigrelli
Defending New York’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.
Antonyuk v. Nigrelli (Antonyuk II)
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Goldstein v. Hochul
Defending New York’s restriction on carrying firearms in places of worship.
Miller v. Smith
Supporting Illinois’s laws regulating firearms in home day cares and foster homes.
Angelo v. District of Columbia
Defending the District of Columbia’s prohibition on carrying handguns on public transit.
Antonyuk v. Bruen (Antonyuk I)
Defending New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act.
Wade v. University of Michigan
Defending the University of Michigan’s prohibition of guns on campus.